
Step 1 - Installing dependencies

Our Safe Zones script only relies on one dependency: screenshot-basic. Here is the link to the resource:

Step 2 - Setting up api key

To enable custom image functionality, it's essential to set up a Discord webhook for file uploads. Access the configuration file and update the API key link.

Config.WebHook = 'DISCORD_WEBHOOK'

If you're unsure how to do this, refer to the following link for guidance:

Step 3 - Language

For the optimal experience, you can customize the script language by modifying it in the config file:

Config.Locale = 'LANG' -- es, en, fr, it, pt, ru, de

Step 4 - Setting up permissions

If you are using esx or qbcore, the script will operate based on the framework permissions. However, for users of the standalone version, you can configure the admin list in:

nv_SafeZone\config\frameworks\framework.lua -> Config.IsPlayerAdmin

Finishing - Last steps

With everything set up, we conclude the installation process. If you encounter any issues, please join our Discord and open a support ticket.

Last updated