
On this page, you will find the exports that nPhone has available.

Template using Exports

Client Exports

Set phone display

This export will change the phone display status, it can be true or false:

-- status: bool


Get phone display

This export will get the current phone display status, it can return true or false:

local displayStatus = exports["nPhone"]:GetPhoneStatus()

Get phone availability

This export will get the current phone availability status, it can return true or false:

local availabilityStatus = exports["nPhone"]:GetPhoneAvailability()

Set phone availability

This export will change the availability of the current phone:

-- status: bool


Show notification

This export will show a notification to the player if the player owns a phone:

-- title: string
-- text: string
-- time: number
-- img: string
-- sound: string

exports["nPhone"]:ShowNotification(title, text, time, img, sound)

Set flashlight status

This export will change the status of the flashlight, if the player owns a phone:

-- status: bool


Get flashlight status

This export will get the current flashlight status, it can return true or false:

-- status: bool

local flashlightStatus = exports["nPhone"]:GetFlashlightStatus(status)

Server Exports

Set verified status

This export will change the verified status of the user in the app selected:

-- appName: string
-- username: string
-- status: bool

-- Available apps: y

exports["nPhone"]:SetVerifiedStatus(appName, username, status)

Get verified status

This export will get the verified status of the user in the app selected:

-- appName: string
-- username: string
-- cb: function

-- Available apps: y

exports["nPhone"]:GetVerifiedStatus(appName, username, function(status)

Set account password

This export will change the account password of the user in the app selected:

-- appName: string
-- username: string
-- newPassword: string

-- Available apps: nCloud

exports["nPhone"]:ChangeAccountPassword(appName, username, newPassword)

Get app post

This export will get the post content in the app selected:

-- appName: string
-- username: string
-- cb: function

-- Available apps: y, mail

exports["nPhone"]:GetAppPost(appName, postId, function(content)

Remove app post

This export will remove the post in the app selected:

-- appName: string
-- postId: string

-- Available apps: y, mail

exports["nPhone"]:RemoveAppPost(appName, postId)

Reset phone

This export will reset the selected phone:

-- phoneId: string


Get source from number

This export will get the source from a phone number:

-- phoneNumber: string

local sourceNumber = exports["nPhone"]:GetSourceFromNumber(phoneNumber)

Show notification

This export will show a notification to the player if the player owns a phone:

-- source: number
-- title: string
-- text: string
-- time: number
-- img: string
-- sound: string

exports["nPhone"]:ShowNotification(source, title, text, time, icon, sound)

Get phone PIN

This export will get the passcode of a phone:

-- phoneId: string
-- cb: function

exports["nPhone"]:GetPasscodeFromPhoneId(phoneId, function(passcode)

Get source account

This export will get the current player linked account:

-- source: number

local sourceAccount = exports["nPhone"]:GetSourceCurrentAccount(source)

Send email

This export will send an email to an account:

-- from: string
-- subject: string
-- content: string
-- profileImg: string
-- to: string

exports["nPhone"]:SendEmail(from, subject, content, profileImg, to)

Get phone call

This export will get the current phone call identifier:

-- phoneNumber: string

local callId = exports["nPhone"]:GetCall(phoneNumber)

End phone call

This export will end the call:

-- callId: string


Is in call

This export will get the phone call status:

-- phoneNumber: string

local callStatus = exports["nPhone"]:IsInCall(phoneNumber)

Server Events

Message event

It will be triggered when a text message is sent:

RegisterNetEvent('nPhone:messageTrigger', function(chat, phone, message, messageId, attachments)
    print(chat, phone, message, messageId, attachments)